miercuri, 13 iunie 2012

Omega3 Eggs?

What are omega3 eggs after all? Eggs coming from hens that receive omega3 rich food seem to have better micronutrient content as compared to regular eggs, as this study shows:

I could only find omega3 eggs in Rewe, 1.89E/6 pack. That is 0.26E/egg as compared to 0.12E for the regular one.

While the best eggs for me are those coming from backyard raised hens, for now I will while in NRW choose the omega3 eggs.

Wild Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon

The salmon you find in the German groceries is mostly frozen or smoked. Could not really find the canned version (only the wild salmon is usable for the canned version).

 Smoked salmon can be farmed or wild (wildlachs). While the average price for the farmed version is around 2.5E/150gr,  the willd version is 1E more expensive.

Frozen salmon is around 2.9E/250gr (no skin) regardless if it is farmed or wild.
In Real you can find a chepaer version of the frozen wild salmon for around 8E/kg (salmon steaks, skin on).

This article comparing the level of PCB in farmed salmon versus other foods. If that is not enough this article shows the "benefits" of farmed salmon.

On top of that if you read the label of the two products you will notice the difference in fat content: around 2gr/100gr for the wild version versus the 14gr/100gr for the farmed one.

All in all wild salmon is a winner (no artificial color, no BCP, more omega3, less fat). Frozen is my option, not having added preservatives and being cheaper then the smoked version (8-12E/kg frozen compared to 20E/kg smoked).

Next time you buy salmon, make yourself a favor anf choose frozen wild salmon.

My choice: Frozen wild salmon skin on 8E/kg Real.